Today I have many good news :-)
1. I had three coffees!!!!
first one I made myself, I bought some Nestlé Instant packages and took one to the breakfast buffet. There I poured some milk in a bowl and added this precious powder, and....... it was UGLY!! Only sugar, grrrrr, but as I cannot decipher those chinese symbols... But the rest of the breakfast was better, because I also brought my own Muesli (which I brought from Madrid in my survival pack) and a Banana :-) Afterwards I dared to taste one of those chinese wheat rolls, a really beautiful one in black and white, gosh, it was like chewing gum without ANY taste. I refer to the tiny ones in the middle:
My second coffee I had approx. 2 hours later in Antonios office! Yes, I took the shuttle bus that connects the Jiading campus where I stay with the Siping campus near the city center, where Antonio is and ANYTHING else as I noticed soon. It is the oldest campus, where the University was funded and it is quite nice there! There is LIFE and green and everything is much closer. Jiading in contrast is big and wide and empty, below I show you some photos. Well, we had a very interesting meeting with another professor who is involved in image processing and video coding and we discussed to transmit a proposal to a chinese call. Unfortunately the time is too short, is has to be sent on monday, so we have to wait for the next one. But probably there could be a chance for me to investigate with them, I hope so.
After the meeting Antonio presented me to another spanish professor from UPC, teaching there like me, but during 6 months. We went to have dinner together, in a REAL restaurant, not the student canteen, it was my first meal here on a real table with nice people, talking and HAVING A BEER!
Ok, chinese beer, but they told me it was the most famous one. Disadvantage: it was not cold. They never manage to have cold beer there, Antonio said. So he tried to explain the waitress to bring a bowl of ice, buf, she brought a glass of ice... But the young guys from the neighbour table helped us :-) Anyway, the ice was not really able to cool the beer, and also it had a very funny taste like Litchies :-)
After dinner, what do you think we did?
We had another coffee!! :-) No, this is
not too much for me, I have to stand the whole weekend without this stuff!
2. I will move to Siping campus on monday!!!!
Yes, on the way there and arriving I thought that two hours journey every day are not too much when in change I could live much nicer and near to people I know or I want to get known (like germans, there are a lot!) So I asked Xuefeng (the professor who arranges everything for me) if it would be possible to move. He instantly called the guest house and the hotel I stay now if it would be possible to get the money back, and YES, everything ok! So I will take the bus at 20:30h on monday after my last class and move there with all my stuff. Then, I only need to travel 4 days a week to this campus to give classes, and as most of them are in the evening, I even don't have to go very early, only mondays, I have to take the bus at 7º clock. But it doesn's matter at all, as I don't need breakfast (
that breakfast). A banana in the bus will do! Ah, and I will take a jasmine tee in my new chinese mobile tea-pot. Everybody carries it, so I can :-)
Here you see it in action:
Oh, I think I'm talking too much about food... Well then, the third good thing today:
3. I gave my first real lesson!!!!
There were much more students than expected in class, about 30, the room was full! I have been great :-) Much better than yesterday, but that was easy... Nevertheless, I have absolutely NO idea how much they understood! They are reacting less than spanish students! BUT, on the other hand, they also disturb less :-) They are quiet, listening, or, if they are tired, having a rest. Yes, I knew that before, they put the had on the desk and have a short sleep. But only one did that and only two minutes I think. Maybe this is a very good idea we should show that technique to our students, better sleepy than disturbing :-)
By the way, I still did not show you the poster Xuefeng they put
right in the entrance: WIE PEINLICH!
4. The very very best of today was the skype session I had just some minutes ago with my sweet little children and my best homecook ever and Marie, out new family member, she's excellent! :-)
Now, last but not least here my impressions of the day:
Los chinos construyen mejores "escalextric" que los madrileños!
Ecológicos sí que son!
Nuestra biblioteca del campus sur? Una mie...
comparado con esta de 14 plantas!!

Y esta es la vista desde arriba
Y vuelvo a mi hotelito cutrecillo: