Some of them inspired me to tell you more things about the life here in Shanghai, I suppose up to now it sounds more like a description of vacations...

Here you can see some quite strange buildings, dont't ask me what it is...

The fact is, when you're passing through the streets, it's always crowded, there are soooo many people all over, you hardly find some place to be alone. (That's another reason why I wanted to go to the island)
So if I had to live here, I don't really know where. The city is in all places, but probably one could find a good and quiet flat, let's say an oasis where you could escape from the city noise. The flat where Antonio and his family lives, e.g. is quite good! He lives in the 14th floor of a 32 stories building which is quite luxurious. It's in very good condition, has a concierge, a private park etc. but it surely costs its price! For "normal" salaries this would not be possible.
In spite of the noise and crowd there is also the smog... Most of the days are cloudy and you never really know if this is humidity or smog... Actually I do not smell it, sometimes in Madrid it is worse, but I notice a strange effect in my throat. It's a little bit like bronchitis, it is hard to breath and sometimes my throat is filling up with mucus such that I feel like have to spit... Maybe this is the reason why everybody is spitting around in the streets?? Well it's not such worse, that I could not stand it, but I'm happy to get away from here in two weeks and not to breath this air any longer. Maybe the air in Madrid is not better, but there at least I can look up the smog values. Maybe you have seen people in the news walking around with masks. Some of them put them on because of the bad air, some of them, I think, for not contaminating others with their bacteria. Actually, I brought some masks, more because of my fear about the H7N9 virus. But I tried it one day in the traffic and I don't know, but it is worse, you cannot breath at all with it! So, standing the smog as I can...
Clemens also asked how I could live inbetween the chinese people, being so different and tall :-) That's a very good question! Answer: in part I am used to it inbetween the spaniards ;-) OK, the spaniards are not looking at me as if I had come from another planet and there are also no groups of young girls hiding their mouth and giggling, there are also no people shooting photos of me or trying to catch a photo with them AND me on it... Sometimes they are asking, mostly not. So I am used to be a stranger but not THAT stranger. For one month it is ok, but for longer, I clearly would not want this feeling. I think it could also be very difficult to make friendships. But my tallness is no problem, there are also some tall chinese (boys) and everything is made high enough (metro, entrances etc.) also the bed is standard size and has a very good matress. Only the chairs and tables... Here in the hotel I'm sitting very badly in fron of a desk on a stool which is much to low, and also in the university the chairs are too low and have no possibility to wind them up although they are office chairs.
Well, it's half past nine and I'll go out now to the city to see some of the markets (fabrics, pearls, fakes, whatever) as it is raining, it's the best I can do!
haha..wie sagt doch Sting in seinem Song "...Be yourself no matter what they say".
ResponderEliminarAber deine Analyse ist sehr interessant! In dieser globalisierten Welt, in der wir leben, glauben wir, alles zu kennen. Die ganze Welt bekommen wir nach Hause geliefert, auf unsere Fernsehcouch. Aber das ist reine Illusion. Erst solche Erfahrungen wie Deine machen es möglich, sich anderen Kulturen zu nähern.