It's raining again... So schönes Wetter war am Wochenende, wenn auch ziemlich warm (ca. 30º), jetzt ist es etwas abgekühlt aber furchtbar schwül!
Da erzähl ich mal lieber vom Sonntag! Oh sorry, better in english for everybody.
On sunday Rita and me went on a trip to Hangzhou, an 8-million city near by, quite small, isn't it? ;-)

The city is famous for its lake, I thought "only a lake??" but well, being accostumed to concrete landscapes it is something special. But in deed, it has beaten my expectations, the lake is an attaction. First of all, I did not expect so much green around, than it is enourmous (is there anything small in China??) and invites to walk or bike around or take a boat. We took a tourist bus to one place and walked a while, the pity was that there were too many people and annoying tourist trains with awful whistles making there way. The chinese love it to be loud in this way, they don't talk or behave as loud as spaniards, but these vehicle noises as horns, bells of every style and whistles are quite beloved.

Above the hills behind the lake there are some temples and famous buddahs carved in the rocks, this was quite impressive. Well the best you have a look at yourself:
And this guy we found together with other hundreds of funny buddahs inside of one of the temples, no idea what they were thought for.

And last but not least some photos from the temples:

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