Everything packed, taxi called, check in finished. Now I only hope that I'll sleep well, as I'm quite nervous.
Dumplings raw |

The morning started a little bit flurry, I had to meet my supervisor to give him some money back, as he paid me too much (he didn't discount the taxes). But as I received a part in Euro and the rest that I wanted to spend in RMB, I couldn't give him
Dumplings cooking |
only RMB and had to complete with Euro so I calculated for and back to keep enough for my trop to the airport. I also calculated with the 120 RMB I would receive for the bike. Well I met him and afterwards I went to give the bike back. Phuu, he only wanted to give me 80. I explained on a paper as
Dumplings ready |
well as I could and finally I got the 120... But then, I received a message from my supervisor that I gave him 100€ too much!! Well, good to know they are very honest here, in deed they are, he gave it later to the reception. Buf, but the rest of the day was calm. I went with Rita to Antonios house and we made chinese food with Rosa. It was quite good! We first went to by fish, prawns and vegetables and than made
Green fish soup |
an excellent soup, dumplings and soya sprouts with pepper. It took us some time but tasted excellent!
Finishing the day with a walk through the slummiest zone with at least a million vendours in inside malls (I was offered an Iphone for 75€...) I was very satisfied with my stay in general. I saw a bit of everything, enjoyed the people and class experience and had no serious problems. So I am glad to go home! :-) But not without having visited Clemens, Kinder, Ihr müsst noch 2 Tage durchhalten, dann in ich wieder da!!!
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